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Energy-saving consulting technical services

1 、Energy saving assessment

The state implements an energy-saving evaluation and review system for fixed asset investment projects.For projects that have not undergone an energy-saving review or have not passed the energy-saving review, the construction unit may not start construction, and those that have been completed may not be put into production or use.According to the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and policy standards, our team assists the construction unit to analyze the energy consumption of the process and equipment in the design phase of the construction project, evaluates the rationality of its energy using, and proposes effective energy-saving measures, which improves the energy utilization level of construction projects from the source while meeting mandatory energy-saving standards.

2 、Green factory evaluation

Green factory is one of the key tasks of "Made in China 2025" proposed to "actively building a green manufacturing system", based on the principles of realizing factory land intensification, clean production, waste recycling, and low-carbon energy, and it is the focus object of the green construction of the manufacturing industry . Our team has a wealth of comprehensive service performance in energy, environment, ecology, system evaluation, etc., and is familiar with various standards and specifications such as energy management, water saving, clean production, environmental protection, and VOCs governance. We have led or participated in the compilation of a number of national standards and technical specifications in petrochemical industries and coal chemical industries, Chemical fertilizer industry, oil and gas field mining and other industries, technical capabilities meet the requirements of the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the "Notice on the Development of Green Manufacturing System Construction" Gongxin Dingjie Han [2016] No. 586. It can be used as a third party to carry out evaluation work on the self-evaluation report on the enterprise.

3 、Energy Management System

The establishment of the energy management system follows the PDCA continuous improvement models, integrates energy management into the daily activities of the enterprise, implements continuous tracking and continuous optimization of the energy consumption of the enterprise, monitors and measures the key characteristics and processes of the operation, and continuously improves the energy performance and energy management system to improve the energy-saving level of enterprises.

4、 Energy audit and accounting

Energy audit: Diagnose and analyze the utilization of energy and resources in the production and operation of the enterprise, find problems, tap potentials, check energy efficiency weaknesses through energy audit work, propose feasible energy-saving measures and plans, and establish a complete energy management system and a scientific and reasonable enterprise energy consumption quota index system to strengthen corporate energy management, improve energy utilization efficiency and reduce costs.

Energy accounting service: Compile energy review report ; calculate the energy utilization of the whole plant.

5、 Greenhouse gas control and carbon asset management

According to the current carbon emission level, calculate the company's carbon emissions, tap the energy-saving and low-carbon potential of the company, and propose corresponding energy-saving and low-carbon measures. Assist enterprises to improve carbon asset management, strive for the initiative for enterprises in the carbon emission trading market, and provide reliable services for the competent government departments to investigate regional carbon emissions.